• +1 (949) 562-8833
  • lcabrera@mariastudios.com
About Us

Exclusive Catholic content for you

Support Catholic artists by collaborating their art and giving them your

encouragement through comments and messages.

Together we can foster and support a vibrant and creative community.

Our Mission

Support the professionalization of Catholic Music, Art and audiovisual production, with the goal to improve coverage and reach a larger audience, with the Catholic message.

  • Collaborate so people around the world are able to use the Platform giving them access to the word of God, music and art.
  • The platform and events are free to viewers around the world, and we want to keep it that way. But it takes millions of dollars to produce high-quality content. That's where you come in and you can be part of the community that contributes.
  • It also finances future artists' productions.
  • Together with the artists, we bring a few loafs of breads and some fish, you bring yours, and by spreading the word, and music, together, we will see how God feeds many brothers & sisters.

Collaboration Completed


Awards Won


Total Artist


Total Listening

Our main objective is to ensure that the Church has a direct and dynamic connection with its digital audience

Why Choose Us


Initiate actions through digital products, that generate a positive impact on society and create resources for the church.


Improve evangelism rates to reach larger audiences and preach the mission further than ever.


Help build and strengthen relationships with older members and younger generations.


Encourage the faithful to have a more active participation in the church and in their communities.


Increase the volume of donations using new technologies.

Our team

TEAM Maria Studios